Saturday, December 31, 2016

Chemo: Round Two

   So here we sit, forty-eight hours or so after Chemo Round Two.  "Sit" is the operative word here.  I am not flat on the couch, I am not bowing to the porcelain throne (yet), but I am able to sit.  People...this is good so far.  I am certainly exhausted -- the mere thought of going for a walk around the block tires me out -- and yet I can sit.  Sitting is a good thing.  It allows the participant an opportunity to notice what is going on around him.  It allows one to ingest fluids more easily.  It just gives one a better perspective of the world when one is sitting rather than when one is lying or bowing to that bowl of water with the flusher handle.
  I sat yesterday too.  I sat at home for a while, I sat at the treatment center as another liter of fluid dripped into my port and therefore my body.  I sat and watched television until about 9:00 last night, all of which is better than I did the day after Chemo Round One.
  But sitting is just part of the continuum that I hope to improve on.  Standing is important.  Walking has its advantages.  Hiking/backpacking will have to happen again.  Dancing could be fun.  Running would be cool again.  Mountain climbing would be amazing.  But the two things on the top of the list would be slam-dunking in the NBA Finals at the buzzer to win it all and hitting a walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth inning of Game Seven of the World Series.  Ah, the meds...they're making me imagine things that probably are not going to happen.  Oh well, you get the picture.  For now, sitting is just fine.  Keep praying everyone...and thank you.


  1. Sounds good PJ. Next we'll have you sitting in the cabin at Luther. Next time. Peace Brother.

  2. So glad to hear that it's going better this round!!
