Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Dream

   I had a dream last night that I had escaped from this place.  I found myself at Camp Roger, running freely through the woods.  While camp was a busy place, nobody seemed to notice that I was gloveless, gownless, and maskless.  I was just wearing my regular clothes.  Then I found that there were people chasing me so I stole one of the utility vehicles from camp (sorry Doug and Matt) and made my escape.  After a while it ran out of gas and while I was searching for some, it was hit by a semi and basically obliterated (that is why I said "sorry" earlier, Doug and Matt).
   It was all a great adventure until Connie showed up.  Oh boy, was she ever mad.  She lit into me with "You have just wasted the last two weeks!"  and "Now we have to start all over!" and "What the heck were you thinking?!"  Of course, as is always the case, she was right and I was wrong.  I married a great woman.
   Remember: I said it was a dream.  That is all it was.  But at the same time I will have a day soon when I will be able to leave this place.  The doctors today said we are still on target to possibly be out of here by this time next week.  What will have to happen?  My counts need to start climbing.  They have been consistently at their lowest now for the last three days and now we need to see those numbers chart upward.  I need to find an appetite again (one that does not include Ensure -- man, I hate those things).  I need to keep my blood pressure up (it tends to drift downward when I am not active enough). I need to show that I have enough energy to keep moving forward.
   It was just a dream, but it was a great dream.  Well, it was great until Constance ("The Voice of Reason") Warners showed up and let me have it.  But I deserved it. I am glad that woman is in my life...and that I don't only have to dream about her.  She is the best.  Thanks for watching over me so closely through all of this, Connie.  I love you.
   (I still feel a little bad about wrecking the Mule from Camp Roger.  Sorry boys. Put it on my tab.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I grew an entire kid on ensure. She is pretty sweet. 3 per day
