Friday, June 9, 2017

Baby Steps and Groundhogs

   It's starting to feel like Groundhog's know, you wake up every day to Sonny and Cher singing and step in the same puddle while trying to avoid the same person and.......on and on.  Phil and I were feeling that way as we got out of the truck and greeted the same valet and saw the same people behind the desk and took the elevator to the same floor and greeted the same receptionist and gave the same responses to birthdate, insurance, address, emergency contact information.  It's not terrible.  There are wonderful people who we get to talk to every day at Lemmen Holton!  It sure could be worse.  We live ten minutes away!

And speaking of Bill Murray, Phil is taking baby steps every day in the right direction.  (Sorry, there are probably just a handful of you who are totally going to get that connection:).

We are sitting in a cubicle with an awesome view of the Belknap hill neighborhood, waiting for numbers to come back.  The IV fluid is already started.  Phil had applesauce this morning.  He is still awake. Baby steps.

OK, numbers are back.  Potassium is 3.3 today so Phil has opted to take oral meds instead of the IV potassium.  I guess he's decided to shake things up a bit today and break out of the routine.  He's gonna get there......

Maybe he'll even surprise us all and write another blog entry later today!


  1. Love the analogy. Praise God for each small step! Love you both!

  2. Spent a lot of time there and that lemon Holton clinic myself with my son, Jensen. Wonderful people there. God bless you.
