Thursday, March 2, 2017


   The truck is revving and is coming around the corner.  It is 6:00 pm now and Chemo Round Five is inside me and now we wait to see what the effects are.  But right now I am asking you to divert your attention from me and pray for my friend Scott.  He is a cancer survivor and last had issues seven or eight years ago.  But Scott was in the hospital overnight on Tuesday into Wednesday with some symptoms that led the doctors to perform some tests.  So stop right now -- before reading any further -- and pray for this man and his wife, children, and grandchildren -- I will write more after you pray for him.
   Scott and I go way back, about as far back as any two people can.  He is a few days older than I am and his family and my family both grew up at Sherman Street Christian Reformed Church.  My mother tells me that she and Scott's mom were in the same hospital at the same time following our births (I cannot verify this because I was a little young at the time and my mother never lets the facts get in the way of a good story).  One cannot go back much further when tracking relationships than that.  We have run together when we were young and studly.  We played a lot of softball together.  We watched each other's families grow up.  I was his oldest son's teacher in school and our daughters were best friends in high school.  The litany of togetherness goes on and on.  Scott's wife has returned the favor and currently works at the school where my two youngest children attend.  Scott has been a beacon for me in my early days of this journey by visiting and offering both advice and hope in the name of Jesus. If you ever mysteriously find one dozen cinnamon rolls on your back porch some day, Scott was there when you weren't looking.  Without getting too dramatic, I might have to return those favors for him based on the pending tests.  I am willing to do that...I just hope I don't have to.
   Did you already pray for Scott and his family?  Thank you.  Now please as this entry closes, do it again.  God won't mind.
"When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, you have taught me to say:
It is well, it is well with my soul."
                                                  --Horatio Stafford

Check out the story behind this song at:

1 comment:

  1. We prayed for Scott....keep us apprised. We are also praying the revving truck was/is smaller than expected.
