Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chemo: Round Four

   The truck came around the corner and hit me again, and even though this has happened before, it is not something I can get used to.  I had Chemo Round Four on Thursday and an extra bag of fluids added to my system yesterday (thanks for chauffeuring Kevin!).  This has become standard procedure for me .  I was feeling fairly decent through the day but soon after supper the queasiness and exhaustion hit me and I was a worthless pile of rags for the rest of the evening.  I am feeling though that the truck that hit me is just a full sized pick up and not the semi I have experienced before.  This morning I still have not thrown up (this is good) but the urps* and the burps are constant and the upset stomach seems to always be on the move.
   OK, that sounded overly dramatic.  Sorry about that.  But the facts are that I am 48 hours post-chemo and, while I don't feel that great, I am alive and I have all that I need.  Right now all I need is a cup of hot tea and a vacant bathroom nearby.  Hot tea?  Check.  Vacant bathroom?  That's always the question around here.  But if history repeats itself, tomorrow will be better than today.  Time to go lay on the couch like a pile of rags and hope the bathroom is vacant more often than not.

*urp - defined as a surprise burp that emanates from deep inside one's very being and erupts very quickly and ferociously, shaking the entire body and often leaving a bad taste in the victim's mouth.  Just thought you ought to know.


  1. So sorry, Phil. This must just plain suck! Ugh!
    You have our continued prayers!

    Do not be afraid—I am with you!
    I am your God—let nothing terrify you!
    I will make you strong and help you;
    I will protect you and save you.
    (Isaiah 41:10)
