Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Book

   If my entire cancer experience would be turned into a book, we are at the point of beginning what I hope would be the fourth and next-to-last chapter.  This is what the table of contents would look like:
  • Chapter 1 -- The First 56 Years
  • Chapter 2 -- "Cancer?  Me?  Really?": An Introduction to The Big Nasty
  • Chapter 3 -- How and Why Chemotherapy Sucks Almost As Much As Cancer
  • Chapter 4 -- The Stem Cell Transplant: Science Fiction Meets Reality
  • Chapter 5 -- My 58th Year...and Beyond
   We have had and continue to have many appointments that are leading up to this stem cell transplant.  We have met with a whole series of people in preparation for this: doctors, nurse coordinators, social workers, financial coordinators, dietitians, pharmacists, physical therapists, and a partridge in a pear tree.  We have also had multiple tests to make sure the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other random body parts are good to go for this journey.  So far I have passed all the inspections and, like a trick pony, have successfully jumped through all the necessary hoops.  My transplant will be an autologous transplant, meaning that I can serve as my own donor.  Tomorrow I get a new line inserted into my chest to serve as the conduit for all the comings and goings.  Next week Monday they begin harvesting my bone marrow.  To do this, I have to take injections of Neupogen, a drug that shakes the stem cells out of the bone marrow and into the bloodstream, where they can be harvested.  This is called apheresis.  The harvesting can take two to three days, but I intend to give them enough in the first day since I am such an over-achiever.  Two weeks later I will be admitted for about three weeks as they put the good cells back into me, but only after they hammer me again with more chemotherapy.  I then will be open for any germ or disease floating around so they keep me in a sterile isolated environment.  After all of this, I will have to be inoculated for anything and everything since every inoculation I have ever had since babyhood no longer will be a part of me.  The adventure is about to begin.
   But the real adventure begins in Chapter 5 when I get better.  It is called, "Life."  I am so looking forward to it. I can tell you that there will be a marked difference in tone and vision between Chapter 1 and Chapter 5.  In Chapter 1 of this book, life was assumed.  It was a given that all had it and, while it was a good commodity to have, it was common and normal.  But when Chapter 5 rolls around, the concept of life will be elevated and appreciated in new ways (thank you for this insight, God). It will be celebrated and venerated.  Nothing will be able to tarnish the importance of this gift of life.  And if you don't believe me, just watch...or you can wait and read the book.


  1. Thought of you many times today while in the woods catching critters and talking about God's World ! I can wait to see you healthy and honoring God in chapter 5 .
